• Jabatan Geologi
  • ketua_geologi@um.edu.my
  • 03-79674203
Dr. Meor Hakif Amir Hassan
(Associate Professor & Group Leader)


  1. Associate Prof. Dr. Masatoshi Sone
  2. Dr. Arindam Chakraborty


  1. USGS
  2. Croatian Geological Survey
  3. Museum für Naturkunde (Berlin)
  4. Russian Academy of Sciences
  5. Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
  6. Birbal Sahni Isntitute of Palaeosciences (India)
  7. UCL (UK)
  8. North-west University (South Africa)
  9. Pisa University (Italy)
  10. Presidency University (India)
  11. Central University of Karnataka (India) 
  12. Institut für Geologie und Paläontologie
  13. Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
  14. Germany; Petronas
  15. Beicip-Franlab Asia
  16. Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry
  17. Waseda University (Japan)
  18. Chulalongkorn University
  19. Suranaree University of Technology (Thailand)
  20. Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology (China)
  21. University of Lausanne 

Research Areas   

  1. Origin and evolution of biota, Biostratigraphy and Palaeoclimatic studies
  2. Sedimentology of Paralic and Deep Marine Clastics
  3. Devonian - Carboniferous biostratigraphy
  4. Clastic Reservoir Geology
  5. Sequence Stratigraphy
  6. Cenozoic fossil flora and fauna of Borneo
  7. Mesozoic dinosaur and non-dinosaur faunas of Malaysia
  8. Palaeozoic marine faunas of Thailand and Malaysia

Ongoing Research Projects:

  1. Palaeozoic to Cenozoic palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate variability in west Sarawak, Malaysia: An integrated stratigraphic and geochemical approach- FRGS grant (Funded by MOHE)- RM206,124
  2. Assessment of Potential Ecological Risk of Microplastics in the Coastal Sediments of Bagan Lalang, Peninsular Malaysia: A Meta-Analysis- (BKP Special Grant, funded by Universiti Malaya, (RM49,960)
  3. Enhancing the generation of electricity from polluted sediment by combining microalgae with bio-electrochemical systems- (UM International Collaboration Grant: JRS-SATU, funded by Universiti Malaya- RM20,000
  4. Palaeo-biodiversity and taxonomy of late Cenozoic fossils from Sarawak. FRGS grant (MOHE) RM138,900

Major Research Findings:

  1. Revision and refinement of the Palaeozoic Stratigraphy of NW Peninsular Malaysia
  2. Development of criteria to identify tidal influence within channels from seismic geomorphology
  3. Discovery of the first dinosaur fossils from Malaysia
  4. Discovery of several new fossil species from Malaysia (Praedaraelites tuntungensis, Crenulosepta perlisensis)

Research Output:

A. Ongoing Ph.D Students:

  1. Mrs Siti Nurkhalidah Binti Husainy
  2. Sapinah Saleh
  3. Muhammad Zulfathi Ishak

B. Ongoing Master's Students:

  1. Ms Fatin Damia Binti Faidzal
  2. Mr Soon Mun Chin
  3. Ahmad Nazmi Mohd Noor Azudin
  4. Muhammad Irfan Bin Othman
  5. Laavanyaanavamany
  6. Benjamin Mark Bastian 

C. Completed Ph.D Students:

  1. Nurul Adilah Manshor
  2. Hafzan Eva Mansor
  3. Mutari Lawal
  4. Shirin Fassihi

D. Completed Master's Students:

  1. Galih Yuda Kuswandaru
  2. Farah Syafira Burhanuddin
  3. Teng Yu He
  4. Tang Hung Yung 


  1. Tang, H.Y., Sone, M., Brezinski, D.K., Shaari, H., Teng, Y.H., Minhat, F.I., 2024. Revision of the Early Carboniferous trilobite Linguaphillipsia, with a new species from Terengganu in Peninsular Malaysia. Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology, 1–16. https://doi.org/10.1080/03115518.2024.2358036 (Taylor & Francis)
  2. Tang, H.Y., Mychko, E.V. Feldmann, R.M., Schweitzer, C.E., Hasrizal Shaari, Sone, M. 2023. Validation of Malayacyclus Tang, Mychko, Feldmann, Schweitzer, Shaari & Sone, a cyclidan crustacean from the Early Carboniferous of Terengganu, Malaysia. Zootaxa 5318(3), 439–440. https://doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.5318.3.10 (Magnolia)
  3. Tang, H.Y., Mychko, E.V. Feldmann, R.M., Schweitzer, C.E., Hasrizal Shaari, Sone, M. 2021. Malayacyclus gen. nov., the first Southeast Asian Cyclida (Crustacea) from the Early Carboniferous of Terengganu, Malaysia. Geological Journal, 1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/gj.4128 (Wiley)
  4. Niko, S., Sone, M. Leman, M.S. 2000. Ordovician Orthocerida and Pseudorthocerida (Cephalopoda: Nautiloidea) from the Lower Setul Limestone of the Langkawi islands, Malaysia. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 18(5), 381–414, https://doi: 10.1080/14772019.2019.1608599 (Taylor & Francis)

Last Update: 05/02/2025