• Jabatan Geologi
  • ketua_geologi@um.edu.my
  • 03-79674203
  Group Leader : Dr. Noer El Hidayah Ismail
  03-7967 7199
  Room No : GB 211 (New Building) 


  • Dato. Prof Dr. Ir Roslan Hashim (Civil Engineering, UM)                                                                                                                                                                           

The geophysics activity includes exploration, engineering geophysics and application of geophysics to geological problems. The department has a terrameter, seismograph, proton precession magnetometer and a gravity-meter.

The geophysics group has been actively involved in the site investigation using the various geophysical methods. The resistivity method had been used in solving water related problem in various engineering site beside search for water particularly in remote areas and for exploration such as search of iron for the presence and reserve. The environmental related problem research includes contamination problem, is been studied using the resistivity method and seismic refraction method. Among the current work is using resistivity method to determine nitrate level in oil palm plantation and water reduction caused by oil palm trees intake. Research work in site investigation using the seismic refraction method include study of weathering profile over different rock type, bedrock investigation together with borehole information particularly comparison to standard penetration test (SPT). Classification of earth material based on velocity for rippability, blasting and excavation work is also undertaken for site investigation problems. In exploration it includes the research in search of earth mass reserve such as rock, sand and iron ore.

The potential method, gravity and magnetic have been actively applied in exploration such as search for iron. The gradient magnetic magnetometer recently acquired will see additional research scope being develop in the department. Application of both ground and aeromagnetic data on to regional and local geological problem is actively being research. A number of undergraduate student are involve in this study particularly looking into basement and crustal problems including structural and tectonic using the aeromagnetic data. The major current undertaking is magnetic characteristic across Peninsular Malaya (Kuala Lumpur – Kuantan). Subsidence problem is actively research using the gravity method. Research is ongoing for problems related to subsidence in housing areas in Ipoh. 

Research in methodology and procedure improvement is carried out to include use of MATLAB utilities.4D seismic research is being carried out by one of the PhD student.

Last Update: 07/07/2022