• Jabatan Geologi
  • ketua_geologi@um.edu.my
  • 03-79674203
Dr. Noer El Hidayah Ismail
(Senior Lecturer & Group Leader)


  1.  Dr. Elanni Binti Md. Affandi
  2. Dr. Harry Telajan Anak Linang
  3. Dr. Mohd Talha Anees
  4. Dr. Ros Fatihah Binti Mohammad                                                                                                                                                           


  1. Associate Prof. IR. TS. Dr. Meldi Bin Suhatril - Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UM
  2. Associate Prof. Dr. Nordiana Binti Mohd Muztaza - Geophysics Section, School of Physics, USM
  3. Ir. Zul Fadhli, S. Si., M.Sc., IPM - Engineering Geophysics Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Research Areas: 

  1. Karst geohazards using geophysical methods
  2. Slope monitoring using geophysical methods
  3. Seimicity analysis in Sabah
  4. Near surface geophysics in environmental and engineering problems
  5. Geothermal using geophysical methods
  6. Archaeology using geophysical methods

Ongoing Research Projects: 

  1. Seismicity analysis in Sabah: Enhancing Earthquake Hazard Assessment in Northern Borneo through AI-integrated Seismic Data - UMREG2024 - RM 99980
  2. AI-Driven Landslide Hazard Assessment and Mapping Using LiDAR Data: A Case Study of Vulnerable Areas in Kuala Lumpur and Its Vicinity - UMREG2024- RM 99990
  3. Multi Geophysical Approach to Assess Karstic Geohazards in Urban Area - UMREG2023 - RM 80000
  4. A Pixel-Based Spatio-Temporal Approach Integrating High Intensity Rainfall and Artificial Intelligence for Landslide Prediction - UM BKP - RM 49900

Major Research Findings: 

  1. Geothermal: Utilizing Curie Point Depth, geothermal gradient & heat flow parameters to assess geothermal energy potential in the Akiri hot spring region of Central Nigeria. Also, make used of digital edge enhancers to facilitated structural-depth analysis around the Middle Benue Trough in Nigeria.
  2. Near surface geophysics in Karst Geohazards: Identified and assessed risks associated with karst features like sinkholes & subsidence in Kinta Valley, Perak.
  3. Near surface geophysics in slope monitoring: Proved effectiveness of time lapse electrical resistivity imaging in monitoring slope stability.

Research Outputs: 

A. Ongoing Ph.D students:

  1. Maryam Lawan
  2. Muhammad Nizar Bin Othman

B. Ongoing Master's students:

  1. Norshafuraa Binti Mohamad Saidi

B. Completed Ph.D students:

  1. Mohamed R. Saleh Efnik
  2. Riyadh R. Yassin
  3. Ejiga Eko Gerald


  1. Ejiga, Eko Gerald; Yusoff, Ismail; Ismail, Noer El Hidayah; Kumar, Raj (2022). Geothermal energy assessment through the Curie point depth, geothermal gradient, and heat flow around the Akiri hot spring region in Central Nigeria, ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES. 81(4). doi:10.1007/s12665-022-10236-9
  2. Ejiga, Eko Gerald; Yusoff, Ismail; Ismail, Noer El Hidayah; Lawal, Mutari; Yelwa, Nura Abdulmumini (2022). Application of scaling geology in magnetic basement mapping around the Middle Benue Trough in Northcentral Nigeria, PHYSICS OF THE EARTH AND PLANETARY INTERIORS. 331. doi:10.1016/j.pepi.2022.106914
  3. Mokhtar N.A., Muztaza N.M., Saidin M., Saad R., Masnan S.S.K., Ismail N.A., Bery A.A., Jia T.Y., Sapiai S., Zakaria M.T., Yunus N., Muztaza N.M., Ismail N.E.H. (2022). GEOPHYSICAL APPROACH TO IDENTIFYING ANCIENT IRON AT SUNGAI BATU, BUJANG VALLEY, KEDAH, MALAYSIA, Acta Geodynamica et Geomaterialia. 19(3), 201-217. doi:10.13168/AGG.2022.0008
  4. Ejiga, E. G., Ismail, N. E., & Yusoff, I. (2021). Implementing Digital Edge Enhancers on Improved High-Resolution Aeromagnetic Signals for Structural-Depth Analysis around the Middle Benue Trough, Nigeria. Minerals, 11(11), 22. doi: 10.3390/min11111247
  5. Ismail, N. E., Taib, S. H., Abas, F. A. M. (2019). Slope monitoring: an application of time-lapse electrical resistivity imaging method in Bukit Antarabangsa, Kuala Lumpur. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78(1), 15. doi:10.1007/s12665-018-8019-9

Last Update: 04/02/2025